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Dawn Johnson Wyatt

Star Consultant


My Story

Hello! I am a wife and mom of 1 furbaby. My husband works with a bank holding company that specializes in credit cards, auto loans, banking and savings products. In 2007, I was no longer able to work outside the home on a full time basis due to medical issues associated with having the congenital birth defect, Spina Bifida. Once I was no longer working full time, I began struggling with boredom, depression, and anxiety. I had lost a sense of purpose and identity. In March 2015 I hosted a virtual Scentsy party on Facebook for a friend. I'm really glad I did. I fell in love with Scentsy immediately. It wasn't just the products, which are amazing, but it was a feeling of cohesion to a team of people again. I hadn't felt that in so long. It was only a matter of days before I stopped wondering about what might go wrong and whether or not I’d fail if I joined and started dreaming about what might go right.

I joined Scentsy officially on April 9th, 2015. I have been many times since then. I’m having so much fun and I’m truly getting paid to do something that makes me happy. My self-confidence has had a real boost, our financial status has improved, and I am experiencing personal growth. I have made some incredible friends that feel more like family now, from my sponsor, to my fellow Scentsy consultants, to my recruits, and to you, my customers.

If you are considering hosting a party, I just want you to know that the Hostess Rewards are GREAT and EASY to obtain. I will work very hard to make sure your party is a success! You can choose a home party (can be a church, work, restaurant---wherever you choose!). if you’re not in the area, a virtual Facebook party, or a catalog/basket party! Talk to me about the kind of party that might be right for you! I also enjoy participating in vendor events!!


If you are thinking about joining my team, consultants are only required to have at least $200 in sales once every 12 months. So, if life gets in the way of my husband and I doing what we love, and I am not able to do any parties or really promote my business for a while, I know that I can still obtain my goal to remain a qualified and active Consultant. The compensation plan is fantastic! Scentsy will PAY FOR YOUR WEBSITE FOR THE FIRST THREE MONTHS!! What a huge bonus!! After the three months are over, the consultant only pays $10 a month. The website is automatically updated and managed for you, and there are no credit card processing fees! What a sweet deal!

I wonder, how might Scentsy benefit you? I look forward to speaking with you!

Join my Facebook VIP Group for lots of fun and information!

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I hope to hear from you soon!! 

All My Best,

Dawn Wyatt

UPDATE: Fall/Winter collection is available now! Disney Collection... Marvel.... So much more. Just ask!

What's warming in my home